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Puppet theater troup ¨Pepino¨ exists since 1997 and consists of professional actors - puppeteers whose goal is to show the children the value of the art of puppeteering in the areas where there aren't any theaters for kids. Apart from educational values and clear messages our plays show the kids different types of puppets and positively influence the development of children's imagination. The plays are a combination of puppets and live play and are suitable for children from kindergarten to 4th grade. So far we have performed in over 80 towns and villages. We have played inland and abroad. Festivals abroad: Austria, Belorussia, Bulgaria, R.Srpska. Festivals in Serbia: -
Novi Sad (Zmaj's children's plays) We have a number of awards: Bachka
Palanka - Best music ¨Dindi¨ 1999 |