single sided cassette album, limited edition of 55 physically modified copies which can be played only once, handmade packaging, released by No Basement Is Deep Enough #31.
to obtain a copy, please write to ignacedb ]at[ hotmail ]dot[ com.
soundsamples are on a label's soundcloud.

poslednja muzika

POSLEDNJA MUZIKA [the final music]

1920 marks the first peak of technological and intellectual renaissance of Visija. On the basis of understanding that man knows nothing about the world he inhabits, except what little is filtered through his narrow, sensitive and cognitive apparatus, the culture of Visija embraced a transhumanist, antimaterialistic ideals, and was fueled by passionate curiosity for reality outside the human experience.

It was through the radical reduction of obsolete anthropocentric elements, such as pragmatism and esthetics, that people of Visija gained first glimpses at "virginal reality" and began to analyse it. Typically, they did this by two methods: extracting the virginal [non-utilitarian and non-esthetic] elements from the world, or creating such new elements into the world. The latter method produced all classic works of Visija's "high art".

One such work is this very album. It documents an early attempt at bypassing "the human filter", synthesizing a piece of raw sonic material and s[t]imulating the pure, extrahuman excitement. Analogous to suprematism in visual art, this “terminal reduction” of music did not imply the death of music, but rather its transformation into a pure field of static sound wave.

The restoration of the recordings was executed by Alone In Heaven, for the occasion of a retrospective exhibition of 'Zavod Za Istraživanje' titled "Reč Slika Zvuk", in KC REX, Belgrade, 18. October 2012. Zavod Za Istraživanje is a modern institution licensed for reduction of esthetics and pragmatism, for the purpose of raising the global level of virginity. Key words: Visija, 1920, suprematism, idealism.

zavod za istrazivanje - rec slika zvuk