full length album, self released, limited edition. instrumental electronic pre-industrial soundscapes and hymns.
to obtain a copy, please write to email

alone in heaven - visija

liner notes and song titles in English and Serbian:

"this cassette contains a selection of folk hymns which were created in visija, at the time of the first vertical expansion, circa 1920. hymns were an important element of the spiritual landscape of this highly technological civilization, given that musical devices were integrated into all technical facilities of visija: factory chimneys thundered like mighty organs, accompanied by ceaseless arias of factory sirens. tones from myriads of electric machines pierced the aural ambience, and rails and pipes of all steam engines were forged to ring in major scale, which suited the epic spirit of this tireless nation."

track list:
1. our restless souls cannot wait for the new morning - and behold! factory ore shines before the dawn
2. fifth shift in the factory of iron cables for cosmic elevators
3. each morning new towers reach deeper into the sky, like starry wells, towards the wonders of cosmos
4. stoicism at the threshold of determination; vertical development of freedom is our choice, infinity - our destiny
 5. builders of stairways, in dazzling ascent towards the fulfillment of our common dream, never land on the ground [MP3 excerpt]
6. a technician spends his hours of night watch in a silent prayer for this bridge to travel away beyond the horizons
7. our responsibility for the future of mankind
8. our each new accomplishment indicates that only by acquiring cosmic wisdom may we be able to discover the essence of our very own spirit
9. may this flame greet our brothers in the foundries far below, who are forging the wedges of our ascent to the heavens [MP3 excerpt]
10. we are not children any more
11. and what vistas await us on the worlds yet unseen
12. a prayer in the forgotten fundament


"Na ovoj kaseti se nalaze odabrane narodne himne koje su nastale u Visiji, u periodu prve vertikalne ekspanzije, oko 1920. Himne su činile važan deo duhovnog pejsaža ove visoko tehnološke civilizacije, obzirom da su muzički automati bili sastavni deo svih postrojenja u Visiji: fabrički dimnjaci su grmeli kao moćne orgulje, praćene neprestanim arijama fabričkih sirena. Zvučnu sliku su presecali tonovi iz izobilja električnih uređaja, a šine i cevi svih parnih mašina su bile iskovane za zvonjavu u durskoj lestvici, koja je odgovarala epskom duhu ovog neumornog naroda."

track list:
1. duše naše neumorne ne mogu dočekati novo jutro - i gle! fabrička se ruda rudi pre zore
2. peta smena u fabrici čeličnih sajli za kosmičke liftove
3. svakog jutra nove kule, poput zvezdanih bunara, posežu još dublje u nebo, ka znamenjima kosmosa
4. stoicizam na pragu odluke; vertikalni razvoj slobode je naš izbor, beskraj - naša sudbina
5. neimari stepeništa, u vrtoglavom usponu ka ostvarenju našeg zajedničkog sna, ne silaze na tlo [MP3 isečak]
6. časove noćnog dežurstva tehnolog provodi u tihoj molitvi da ovaj most otputuje u nedogled horizonata
7. naša odgovornost prema budućnosti čovečanstva
8. svako novo postignuće nam ukazuje na to da ćemo tek dostizanjem kosmičkih znamenja moći da upoznamo i suštinu našeg duha
9. neka ovaj plamen pozdravi našu braću koja u topionicama, daleko dole, kuju klinove našeg uspona u nebo [MP3 isečak]
10. nismo više deca
11. kakvi li nas tek vidici čekaju na neotkrivenim svetovima
12. molitva u temelju, zaboravljenom