- Diplome Andorra 5 Bandes
Argentina - Zvanicna strana argentinskog
saveza sa propozicijama za diplome.
Argentina - Diplome argentinske
CW grupe
Aruba - The Aruba Award
Australia - Southern
Cross Award Sa linkovima za australijske diplome
Australia -
Tasmanian Devil Award
Australia - VK1 Award
Australia - Wireless Institute of Australia
Series (WIA DXCC, WAVKCA, HAVKCA, WAS(VHF), Australian
VHF CC, WIA Antarctic Award, WIA Grid Square Award, Royal Flying
Doctor Service Award.)
Australia - Young Endeavour
Belarus - AGB Award
Program. Opširna i interesantna kolekcija
Belgium - Bokkerijders Award.
Belgium - Noorderkempen
Belgium - UBA National Awards .
Sa nekim vecim, ali prelepim fotografijama na pojedinim diplomama
Bermuda - Award
Program of the Radio Society of Bermuda.
Brazil - Diplome iz programa
CWSP kluba.
Brazilian Awards
- Mnogo o njima.
Brazil - Brazilian Island,
Lighthouses, Historical Fortifications Awards
- Brazil DX Net Award
Bulgaria - the BFRA na strani
Canada - Bruce ARC
Canada - Calgary
Stampede Award - Divljina, divlji zapad, kanadski stil
Canada -
Fortune 500 Award -
Canada - Islands Award
Canada - Ontario Award.
Kanadska "county" diploma.
Canada - Radio Amateurs of Canada
Vecina kanadskih diploma - linkovi za 29 diploma
Canada -
Worked All VE Award.
Chile - Diplomas y concursos
de Federachi series of 4 awards Izbor spanske ili
engleske verzije
China - CRSA award page.
Mesan kineski i engleski jezik
Costa Rica - Radio Club of Costa Rica
Cuba - Federacion de Radioaficionados
de Cuba Lepa serija diploma
Cuba - FRC IOTA page.
Czech Republic - Diplome iz
CRC programa.
Czech Republic -
Worked DIG-OK Members Award
Czech Republic - OK DX Foundation
Denmark - Danish Island Award
and Danish Lightship Award XXI
Denmark - EDR Danish awards page.
Lepa i velika kolekcija.
Denmark and Norwegian Awards
- Velika lista.
Ecuador - HC8/HD8 DX Award
and Republic of Ecuador Awards -
England - RSGB Society Mnostvo
England - RSGB IOTA
England - Worked All
Britain Series. Glavni program engleskih diploma.
England - Royal Signals ARS Awards
England - UK Six Meter
Group Awards Program
Estonia - Estonia Society
Finland - Finnish Amateur
Radio League (SRAL) program.
France - REF Award listing.
Council of Europe
France - Regional National
Park Awards
France - World Lighthouse Award Tekst
na engleskom i francuskom jeziku
France - TRAM Award. Vozaci
autobusa - ujedinite se !
Georgia - The Georgia Award
Prekrasno stampane diplome. Treba pogledati ove slike!!.
Germany - AGCW Awards
Series (CW interest group)
Germany - D.A.R.C. Official
Page Na nemackom jeziku
- Complete list of DOK's (Lista DOK-ova. Veoma vazno za nemacke
Germany - DL5MX's WAE
Award Page (English/German)
Germany - Diploma Interest Group
(DIG) Series. Ovo je veliki i poznati klub lovaca
na diplome. Nazalost tekstovi su na nemackom jeziku.
Germany - DK0TUI
lista sa 42 diplome
Germany - EFA-DL
Award. Program diploma nemackih radio-amatera zeleznicara
Germany - Baza podataka
sa propozicijama za diplome iz celog sveta
- Geothe diploma.
Germany - German Islands
Germany - Lubeck
Germany - Marine Operators
(German Naval Group) Series
Germany - Neanderthal Award
- Awards of the District of Saxony-Anhalt
Germany - Tunnel
Award/Underground Award (Strange!)
Germany - Worpswede
Artist's Award.
Gibraltar - GARS zvanicna strana
Greece - Radio Association
of Greece (RAAG) strana diploma.
Greece - Aleksandar Veliki
- Contest tim iz Severne Grcke
Hong Kong - HK Amateur Radio Transmitting
Society (HARTS) postoje strane na engleskom i kineskom
Hungary - Sarret Award
Iceland - Icelandic Radio Association
Official Series (TF5BW)
Indonesia - ORARI Series of
6 very colorful awards.
Indonesia - All Borneo and
Kinabalu Awards by 9M6ST
Ireland - Irish Radio Transmitters
Ireland - Links to all of the
EI Awards , za VHF i DIG-ov program diploma
Israel - Holyland
Award Lepa, atraktivna i aktuelna svetska diploma
Israel - Israel
Amateur Radio Club Lepa kolekcija 4X diploma.
Italy - Pontinian
Archipelago Award,
Italy - Giant list of 49
Italian awards - Sa 425DX grupe. Ova grupa je poznata po sjajnim
DX biltenima . . . . to vec svi znate !?
Italy - Campania Islands Award
Italy -
Italian Islands Award
Italy - Italian Lake Islands Award
Italy - Lecce - Terra
Italy - Salento Islands Award (ukljucujuci
listu ostrva)
Italy - Luis Trenker Award
Italy - Worked all Italian
Squares Award
- JARL awards page. Velika kolekcija diploma, HF i VHF.
Japan - Japan Award
Hunters Group Series 6 diploma na engleskom jeziku.
Japan - JAIA Club Award
- Tu je 18278 pozivnih znakova sa 2 i 3 slova u sufikcu. Osnovna
diploma startuje sa 1.000 uradjenih stanica.
Japan - Japan Dental Health
League Award
Japan - Keymen's Century
of Japan Award
Japan -
Mutsugo Award
Japan - Spelled Yamaguchi
JI1CMZ Award Page
Linkovi za interesantne JA diplome.
Korea - Korean Amateur Radio League
Korea - Gippoon Soshik
Korea - Korea Ladies ARC
Korea - Kumsan
Latvia - Latvian
Amateur Radio League WEB strana diploma.
Lebanon - Worked Oscar Delta
Lithuania - Iz litvanskog
nacionalnog saveza
Luxembourg - FIRAC
Diplome radio-amatera zaleznicara
Luxembourg - Luxembourg Amateur
Radio Society
Macedonia - Macedonia DX Award
from Z35M's page.
Macedonia - MDXG Award by
the Macedonia DX Group
Mexico - Federacion Mexicana de
Radio Experimentadores Spanski jezik
Moldova - Moldova - ER Banner Award
Netherlands - VERON Award
Netherlands - VRZA Award
Netherlands - The
VERON A15 t'Gooi Award (PI4RCG)
Netherlands - Helmond
Netherlands - Polder 2000
Netherlands - RCK Award
- West-Flanders Windmill Award
Netherlands -
.IPARC serija (International Police Amateur Radio Club) - iz vise
New Zealand
- NZART WEB strana diploma
New Zealand - ZL1TM's excellent
page. NZART i druge.
Norway - Worked All Norwegian
Communes Award
Paraguay - ZP Awards Program
Philippines -
Philippines DX Foundations Series by DU1SAN
Poland - Polish Amateur
Radio Union PZK diplome
Poland - Polish Islands Award
Poland - Warsaw Award
Propozicije na poljskom jeziku.
Portugal - Propozicije na
portugalskom jeziku
Portugal - Portuguese
Islands Plaque
Romania - Romanian Amateur
Radio Federation Series plus the Timisoara Award
Romania - Semenic Mountain Award
Russia - Central Radio Club Series
Centralni radio-klub jos uvek izdaje veoma lepe diplome. Vazece
propozicije mozete naci na ovoj lokaciji.
Russia - Land of
Serpukhov Award.
Russia -
Russian Robinson Awards. Interesantna i izmenjena serija
od 6 diploma.
Russia - SKIF
Contest Group Awards Program.
Scotland - Northern
Lighthouse Weekend Awards
South Africa - South Africa
Radio League Series. Izmenjena, prekrasna diploma.
South Africa - The Pretoria
Spain - Union de Radioaficionados Espanoles
(URE) Kliknite na oblast HF, pa onda na diplome
Spain - EA Islands
of the Interior - Propozicije i veliki spisak ostrva
Switzerland - Union
of Swiss Shortwave Amateurs
Switzerland - Locarno Award
Prekrasna visebojna fotografija grada sa okolnim planinama.
Switzerland - Zurichsee Award
Taiwan - CTARL
Ukraine Award.
Uruguay - 19 Departments
USA - Appalachian Trail Awards.
Promoting hiking activities in the 14 states covered by the Trail.
USA - ARRL Awards Program
(RCC, WAS, VHF/UHFCC, A-1 Op, Friendship, WAC.
USA - Worked Albany Radio Club Members
USA - ARRL's DXCC Program.
- obrasci, propozicije, lista zemalja i mnogo toga.a
USA - Baton Rough ARC (Parish Award
and Red Stick Award)
USA - Chesapeake
Bay Lighthouse Award
USA - CQ Magazine
Series (Worked All Zones, Worked All Prefixes, USA-CA)
USA - Frankford Radio Club
(FREE) Besplatna diploma
USA - Geratol Award (75 meters
USA - Worked All
Grumman ARC Award
USA - KO6LU Series Interesting series of 25
awards based on geographical and call sign themes.
USA - Lighthouse Page by
USA - Low Band
Monitor Award Program
USA - MARAC Page. Mobile Amateur
Radio Club, informacije za lovce na "county"-je
USA - Worked All Members
Once (Radio Club of El Cajon, Calif.)
USA - MIR Achievement Award
- Native American Counties Award
USA - Worked All New Jersey
USA- New Jersey DX Award
USA - Northern
Ohio DX Association Award
USA - Pagoda Award (Reading, PA
Radio Club)
USA - Pennsylvania
"67" Award (all counties)
USA - West Park
Radiops Award Program - Cleveland, Ohio grupa.
USA - Worked All Texas Award (The most counties
[254] in the USA)
USA - Triple H Award Series (40 meters
late night net)
USA - US Island Award Page
USA - Purple Crystal Award.
Vodic, ako idete u Fenton, MI.
USA - QRP ARCI series.
USA - QRPp Award.
Za postene QRP operatore
K1BV je ispred CQ MAGAZINA zaduzen za izdavanje ove diplome.
USA - Vintage
Radio DX Award. Ako koristite zaista stare uredjaje
USA - Washington Totem
USA - Westpark
ARC (Ohio) series.
USA - World Radio Magazine
Awards (CATZ and 100 Nations) Lep, mali radio-amagazin.
USA - 10-10
Awards Program
USA - Allii Chapter
10-10 International - chapter awards page.
USA - 3905 Century Club Series.
- Zvanicna strana Radio Club Venezolano.
Yugoslavia - YU1AB
listing of YU awards. My self on the end ! |
TheAward directory - sve o R/A diplomama i vise
AC6V - programi za R/A
YU1AW - gradnje
YT1DOS - Dig. elektronika, rac. i programiranje,
mikroprocesori, prakt. radovi programski kontrolisani
YZ1EW - WEB majstor
YT1VP - 6 metara
Fibonačijevi brojevi i Pascal-ov trougao
Diplome iz CQ programa: |