О намаО АикидоуПравославље и АикидоНајмлађи и АикидоЗаслужне особеКонтакт

About us

The Sensei of Aikido Club "Sava", master Radojković Milosav, is also known as Milence. He spoke about his involvement with Aikido in an article published in the Iskon magazine:

"In 1996., as a fifteen year old, I joined Judo club Student in Belgrade. After two years, Judo masters Milan Zagorac- Zagi and Zoran Ristić- Ciga introduced Aikido to our country. That's when I first encountered this art. Aikido was introduced to us through Italy, through the school of Master Tada Hiroshy. Soon, I became master Ciga's assistant. We studied the art here in the country, but also attended frequent seminars abroad. Master Tada's assistants came and instructed us, and finally, in 1974. Master Tada himself came to Yugoslavia. That's when we got our first Aikido masters. I was in charge of the mentioned Aikido club for about five years. After that I left this club in order to devote myself to studying the art more seriously. In 1992. I formed a club named Sava and with it, in 1999. I joined the Defense Art Studying Society. That's where I met Father Vladimir Vukašinović and that's when our friendship and cooperation started."

The spiritual guide of our club, father Vladimir Vukašinović, is a priest of the Serbian Orthodox Church. He is the founder of the Defense Arts Studying Society to which our club belongs.

The involvement with Aikido of the first assistant of our club, master Jovica Mirković, is more aproprietly measured in decades rather than in years. His love for the art and persistence in training are hard to match. During the year 1991. he and master Predrag Kalajdžić- Peđa founded their own club. On a seminar they saw Milence demonstrate the art and realized they could learn something from this man. They invited Milence to act as the Sensei of their club and he accepted. Later they founded Aikido Club "Sava" together. In 1999. our club joined the Defense Arts Studying Society.