
Velibor Ilić
I was born (1972) in Becej (Yugoslavia, Serbia, Vojvodina). After high school, I started my studies at the University of Novi Sad (Technical
faculty "Mihajlo Pupin" in Zrenjanin) on department of informatics. I have finished faculty in October 1996. Same year I started post - graduate study on same faculty on department "System of Scientific and Technological Information's". My MSc thesis was "Training Neural Networks For Recognition Of Cyrillic Letters". PhD thesis with title “Interactive system based on Internet technology for psychometric diagnostics” has defended at October 2009. I have been using computers since 1986.
RT-RK Institute for Computer Based Systems, Novi Sad, Serbia
2012-now (full time job)
- Development software for embedded systems in automotive industry
University of Canterbury, New Zealand - Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering (postdoc)
2011-2012 (full time job)
- Development adaptive computer-based cognitive training for post-stroke rehabilitation
Cambridge Cell Networks, Novi Sad (software developer)
2006-2007 (full time job)
- Development content management system based web site
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne - Brain & Mind Institute (software developer)
2004-2005 (full time job)
2003-2004 (contract job)
- Developing software for reconstruction neural cells
- Developing Internet based environment for diagnostics attention and working memory
TECHNOSOFT D.O.O. (software developer)
2001-2002 (full time job)
2000-2000 (contract job)
- Developing SCADA application
- System programming
- System analysis
- System integration
- Developing business applications
- Maintaining existing applications
PIK BECEJ AD "POLJOPRIVREDA" (software developer)
1999-2001 (full time job)
- Developing business applications
- System analysis
- Maintaining the existing information system
AGROPROMET D.O.O. (software developer)
1997-2002 (contract)
- Developing business applications
- System analysis
- Maintaining the existing information system
- Manage development and implementation of new technology based products and systems
- Manage research and development teams, involving R&D process management, technology evaluation, resource allocation and strategic planning
- Experience in developing software based on artificial intelligence (neural networks, fuzzy logic and agents)
- Experience in developing software for automated trading on foreign exchange market (Forex)
- Experience in developing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and financial applications
- Experience in development software for control and data acquisition industrial processes in real time (SCADA)
- Experience in embedded software development
- Experience in creating web applications and content management systems
- Experience in developing software based on TCP/IP protocol
- Ability to learn new programming languages and environments quickly
- Experience in teaching (lecturer in several courses in industrial organizations)
PhD degree in Technical Science (Computer Science)
Doctorate, TF "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin 2006 - 2009
Post graduate study, TF "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin 1996 - 2000
Base studies: TF "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin 1992 - 1996
Serbo-Croatian (native), English
Windows (3.XX, 9X, ME, NT, XP, Win7), Linux (Ubuntu, Red Hat, Debian), DOS
Delphi, Pascal, C# (.NET), C++ Builder, C/C++, Microsoft Visual Basic, SQL, HTML, PHP, Smarty, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Macromedia Flash (ActionScript), MQL4, Unity3D, Matlab
OOP, Database connectivity (BDE, ODBC, ADO), OCR, OpenGL, Kinect
Development VCL components for Delphi, Microsoft Windows (API), OCX, VBX
Access, InterBase Server, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Paradox, DBF
MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, MS Front Page, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Dreamweaver, MathCAD, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premier, Corel Draw, Visio, ERWin, Metatrader, pcAnywhere, Installshield, InnoSetup, VMware, Oracle VirtualBox, SVN, VPN, Bugzilla, Roundup Issue Tracker
HyperNEAT Trainer, (2013-2014),
HyperNEAT Trainer is software based on algorithm called NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT), it used for evolving artificial neural networks with a genetic algorithm.
FTC Application, (2012-2014),
FTC Application is generic application that runs on the TTXDatalogger that is used for data acquisition in automobiles. The FTC Application can be configured easily using PC tool. Goal is to provide the signal/PDU level access and filtering, triggering and classification (statistical collection) of the selected signals from CAN, FlexRay and Lin interfaces.
ForexTrader, 2008-2010
Automated real-time trading software for Forex (Foreign exchange market). Several software tools for technical analysis and parameter optimization.
Audio messages broadcast system, 2008
Real-time software for monitoring point-of-sale terminals and broadcasting audio massages over audio systems in supermarkets.
Sport-Key, 2006
Content management system based web site developed for basketball club. System calculates team and players statistics. (PHP/Smarty/MySQL), http://www.sport-key.com
Autoplacevi, 2006
Desktop client application for preparing data and images for web site http://www.autoplacevi.info
Cognetics, 2004 - 2005
Internet based environment with a several diagnostic test for evaluation users attention and working
memory. System gives user possibility to compare their result with results of other users form database. System provides detail analysis of collected data, data mining, statistics, and cluster analysis. Software is developed for Software is developed for Brain & Mind Institute (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) in Lausanne. (www.epfl.ch).
(PHP/MySQL/JavaScript/MacroMedia Flash)
NeuroTracer3D, 2003-2005
Neurotracer is software for 3D mapping neural cells. Neurotracer read several image stacks and create 3D virtual cube in which user can trace dendrite/axon. Software can automatically estimate thickness of dendrite/axon. Software is developed for Software is developed for Brain & Mind Institute (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) in Lausanne. (www.epfl.ch).
ENAA (Evolutionary Neuro Autonomous Agents), Mart 2002
ENAA enables simulation of evolutionary training of agents in arena size 30×30 fields. Agent’s goal is to learn how to explore the largest area of arena as possible, to collect food, and avoid walls and poisons. Program enables visually tracking training agents, shows current results of single agents in arena (number of steps, number of fields discovered, number of collected food and poisons, amount of energy, and agent’s age).
details... (http://solair.EUnet.rs/~ilicv/enaa_eng.html)
MikroPec, January, 2002 - February 2002
Real time software for data acquisition, monitoring and control the backing samples of bricks. Software
also controls video camera and enable taking picture during baking process. Software is developed for University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Technology.
FinKnjig, February 2002
Accounting software (financial accounting)
Programming language: Delphi 6.0
Payrolls, February 2002
Software for calculating salaries.
Programming language: Delphi 6.0
Accounting, January, 2002 - February 2002
Business accounting application that includes ledger accounts, inventory control, purchasing and receiving, and sales.
Programming language: Delphi 6.0
SmartSCADA (component for Delphi), January., 2001 - December 2001
SmartSCADA components for Delphi represent development tool for building control and monitoring software for industrial systems.
Programming language: Delphi 6.0
details... (http://SOLAIR.EUnet.rs/~ilicv/smartscada.html)
NeuroVCL (component for Delphi), Jun, 2000
NeuroVCL components for Delphi represent development kit for building programs with backpropagation
neural networks.
Programming language: Delphi 5.0
details... (http://solair.EUnet.rs/~ilicv/NeuroVCL_eng.html)
OCR, August, 1999
Program OCR is used for recognition Cyrillic letters. OCR is based on the backpropagation neural networks. OCR is developed as addition to masters thesis "Training neural networks for recognition Cyrillic letters".
Programming language: Delphi 5.0
details... (http://solair.EUnet.rs/~ilicv/ocr.html)
ANN, August, 1998 - July, 2000
Program ANN is used to train neural networks patterns from training set. ANN is based on the backpropagation neural networks. ANN is developed as addition to masters thesis "Training neural networks for recognition Cyrillic letters".
Programming language: Delphi 5.0
details... (http://solair.EUnet.rs/~ilicv/ANN.html)
Turija SMS II, August 2001
Real time software for data acquisition, monitoring and control the oil-drilling well on location at
details... (http://www.nis-naftagas.rs)
Programming language: Delphi 6.0
Rusanda, February, 2001
Real time software for data acquisition, monitoring and control the oil-drilling well on location at Rusanda.
details... (http://www.nis-naftagas.rs)
Programming language: Delphi 5.0
Elemir, January, 2001
Real time software for data acquisition, monitoring and control the oil-drilling well on location at
details... (http://www.nis-naftagas.rs)
Programming language: Delphi 5.0
Lingl, Mart – April 2001
Real time software for data acquisition, monitoring and control the backing line for bricks, tiles and pavers in company “Polet” Novi Becej.
details... (http://www.polet.co.rs)
Programming language: Delphi 5.0
Silos, Jun - July, 2000
Real time software for data acquisition (contains 462 measure units) in silage. The program informs the user if the temperature in the individual cell increases over allowed value.
details... (http://www.pikbecej.rs)
Programming language: Delphi 5.0
Agroprom, February 1997-2002
Business application for private agricultural cooperation "Agropromet". This application comprehend: commitments, business partners, cultures, merchandise, ransom cultures, dispensation and movement goods in stores, bills and payment, annex agreements,
agreements about production and shipment. Databases are interrelated and information can be extracted from more then 30 different reports on user request.
Programming language: Visual Basic 3.0
PlanB, April-May, 2000
PlanB presents interactive map of the town of Becej and business directory. The program allows easy
finding of streets, squares, firms, and other important places in Becej.
Programming language: Delphi 5.0
details... (http://solair.EUnet.rs/~ilicv/PlanB.htm)
- Ilić V. (2011) “Automatic trading on foreign exchange market – development software for automatic trading and analysis of financial data”, 318 pages, ISBN 978-86-914311-0-5,
- Ilić V., (2009) "Integration of Agents and Data Mining in Interactive Web Environment for Psychometric Diagnostics", Chapter 17 in edited book: Data Mining and Multiagent Integration, Longbing Cao (Ed.), Springer, ISBN: 978-1-4419-0521-5, 15 p., in press (August 2009)
- Tadić J. M., Ilić V., Biraud S.,(2015) “Examination of geostatistical and machine-learning techniques as interpolators in anisotropic atmospheric environments”, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 111, ISSN: 1352-2310, June 2015, pp 28–38, Elsevier Ltd,
- Ilić V., (2010) “Methods for analysis of financial data and development of algorithmic strategies for automated trading”, InfoM no 34 – Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia Systems, pp. 30-34, Belgrade,
- Ilić V., (2009) "Web environment for psychometric diagnostics and psychotherapy", International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS), Vol. 4, N. 2, pp. 278-287, March 2009, ISSN 1828-6003
- Ilić V., (2008): “Model of interactive web environment for psychometric diagnostics”, InfoM no 28 – Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia Systems, December 2008, ISSN 1451-4397 UDC 659.25, UDC 004.738.5:616-71, Belgrade
- Ilić, V., (2002): “OCR – Software for recognition Cyrillic letters”, InfoM – Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia Systems, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 38-43, Belgrade
- Ilić, V., (2002): “Systems based on agent's technology”, InfoM – Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia Systems, no 3-4/2002, Belgrade
- Ilić V., (1996) “Multimedial system for traffic education – software Traffic”, Journal for applying computers in education, University of Novi Sad, Technical Faculty “Mihajlo Pupin” Zrenjanin, vol.1, no. 1-2, pp 51-60, YU ISSN 0354-9615, http://scindeks.nb.rs/article.aspx?artid=0354-96159702051I
- Rajković I., Ilić V., Majstorović B. Z., Hariba I. (2015) “Real-time visualization of signals from electronic control units on mobile platforms”, 23nd Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR 2015), Belgrade, Serbia,
- Jovanović M., Čotra D., Stamenković R., Ilić V., (2015) “Implementation of system for monitoring and processing signals from electronic control units at automobile networks”, 23nd Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR 2015), Belgrade, Serbia,
- Tešić V., Pap M., Ilić V., Nedeljković M., (2015) “Automated testing of electronic control units in a Hardware-in-the-Loop simulation environment”, 23nd Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR 2015) , Belgrade, Serbia,
- Ilić V., Ilić T., (2015) “Software tool for selection restriction enzymes for modification of DNA sequence in plasmids”, AIIT 2015 International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies, Zrenjanin, Serbia
- Pap M., Vujanović V., Ilić V., Dimitrijević A., (2015) “Environment for validating of electronic control units”, Society for Electronics, Telecommunications, Computers, Automatic Control and Nuclear Engineering ETRAN 59, Serbia, Srebrno Jezero,
- Sinđelić M., Pjevalica N, Ilić V, Janičić V., (2015) “Verification of UART protocol using the BFM”, Society for Electronics, Telecommunications, Computers, Automatic Control and Nuclear Engineering ETRAN 59, Serbia, Srebrno Jezero,
- Janičić V., Ilić V., Pjevalica N., Nikolić M., (2014) “Modeling hysteresis in ferromagnetics by adaptation of Preisach model”, 22nd Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR 2014), pp. 761-764, ISBN:978-1-4799-1419-7, Belgrade, Serbia
- Bokan D., Cetić N., Kovačević J., Ilic V., (2013) “Control of unmanned aerial vehicle based on XMOS platform”, 21st Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR 2013), pp. 893-896, ISBN:978-1-4799-1419-7,Belgrade, Serbia,
- Ilić V., Mihajlović A., Bandić N., Babić. Đ., (2012) “Model of web environment for the assessment and prevention of drug addiction behavior“, International conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies, Zrenjanin, Serbia,
- Ilić V., Brtka V., (2011) “Evaluation of algorithmic strategies for trading on foreign exchange market”, Information and Communication Technologies for Small and Medium Enterprises (ICT-SME's2011), Arandjelovac, Serbia,
- Ilić V., (2010) “The structure of software for automated trading on foreign exchange market”, X International Conference on electronic commerce and electronic business, Palić,
- Ilić V., (2008): “Interactive environment based on Internet technologies for psychometric diagnostics, psychotherapy and collaboration”, 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, IEEE Computer Society Press, Sydney, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3496-1
- Ilić V., (2008) "Integration adaptive psychometric tests in interactive web environment", ICCC2008, IEEE 6th International Conference on Computational Cybernetics, pp. 277-281, Stará Lesná, Slovakia, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP08575-CDR, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2875-5, Library of Congress: 2008907697
- Ilić V., (2008) "Model of data analysis on interactive web environment for psychometric diagnostics of cognitive functions", ICCC2008, IEEE 6th International Conference on Computational Cybernetics, pp. 133-137, Stará Lesná, Slovakia, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP08575-CDR, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2875-5, Library of Congress: 2008907697
- Ilić, V., (2002): “Evolutionary Neuro Autonomous Agents”, Seminar on Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering “Neurel 6th”, Belgrade, Sponsored by IEEE Signal Processing Society, pp 37-40, IEEE Catalog Number 02EX609, ISBN 0-7803-7593-9, Library of Congress: 2002108419,
- Mirilović, J., Ilić, V., (2001): “SmartSCADA programming tool for development control and monitoring software”, YUNG info ’01 Seminar of Information Technology in Oil Industry, Zlatibor,
Paper is awarded at seminar: http://afrodita.rcub.bg.ac.rs/~yunginfo/scripts/nagrade-2001.html
- Mirilović, J., Ilić, V., (2001): “Applying OPC standard in development tool SmartSCADA”,YUNG info ’01 Seminar of Information Technology in Oil Industry, Zlatibor,
Paper is awarded at seminar: http://afrodita.rcub.bg.ac.rs/~yunginfo/scripts/nagrade-2001.html
- Mirilović, J., Ilić, V., (2001): “Development control and monitoring software using object oriented programming language”, AUP 2000 Seminar of Automatics, Banja Koviljaca, April 2001,
- Ilić, V., (2000): “NeuroVCL components for Delphi”, Seminar on Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering “NEUREL 2000”, Belgrade, Sponsored by IEEE Signal Processing Society, pp 130-134, IEEE Catalog Number 00EX278, ISBN 0-7803-5512-1 (Softbounded Edition), ISBN 0-7803-5512-X (Microfishe Edition), Library of Congress: 99-60930,
- Ilić, V. (2000): “Force learn algorithm – training neural networks with patterns which have highest errors”, Seminar on Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering “NEUREL 2000”, Belgrade, Sponsored by IEEE Signal Processing Society, IEEE Catalog Number 00EX278, pp 46-48, ISBN 0-7803-5512-1 (Softbounded Edition), ISBN 0-7803-5512-X (Microfishe Edition), Library of Congress: 99-60930,
Ilić, V., (1999): “Neural networks”, http://solair.EUnet.rs/~ilicv/neuro.html
Ilić, V., (1998): “Nanotechnology”, Racunari (140, 141, 142), Belgrade
Ilić, V., (1998): “EDI - Electronic Data Interchange”
Ilić, V., (1997): “Virtual classroom”, University award for paper 1997,
software development, machine learning, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, neural networks, expert systems, fuzzy logic, intelligent agents, HyperNEAT, evolutionary systems, data mining, OCR, data analysis, SCADA, predictive modeling, financial forecasting, algorithmic (automated) trading, FX trading, HFT, interactive entertainments, content management, image processing, 3D reconstruction, embedded systems, nanotechnology, synthetic biology
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