development software for automatic trading and analysis of financial data
In the book Automatic trading on foreign exchange market - development software for automatic trading and analysis of financial data is explained process of development software for automated trading and methods used to analyze financial data. The book can be useful to people who are professionally engaged in trading on foreign exchange market, people involved in software development, and all the other people who want to learn more about this way of trading on foreign exchange market.
Book reviewers are::
dr Tibor Kiš, Faculty of Economy, Subotica
dr Vladimir Brtka, Tehnical faculty “Mihajlo Pupin”, Zrenjanin i
dr Tot Vilmoš, Faculty of business economy, Sremska Kamenica
The book contains 318 text pages in B5 format (17.6x25cm).
ISBN 978-86-914311-0-5
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Book price is 2000DIN + delivery costs
Automated trading software allows monitoring large number of parameters and make decisions in real time. This kind of software is capable to observe market and independently perform transactions of buying and selling particular currency pair, stock or commodity. This kind of software is capable for high frequently trading. Duration of this kind of transaction is often measured in seconds. Faster performing transaction is one of advantages over the traders that manually perform transactions. Software trading methods reduce the impact of human emotions in decision making process and allow overcoming problems that may arise due to lack of concentration. Modern technology, software, and real-time information do not guaranty successful trading results. Technology provides more information and a faster process of trading, however, for successful trading results is still necessary to find an appropriate approach how to use of available information and how to make correct decisions.
The book contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1: “Trading on market” represents introduction chapter that describe what is the market and how it works. This chapter explains basics of the global foreign exchange market (Forex), and basics of trading on this kind of market.
Chapter 2: “Methods for analysis of financial markets”, this chapter describes the technical and fundamental analysis. There are represented the Dow and Elliott's wave theory that is commonly used in technical analysis. This chapter contains an overview of technical indicators and visual tools used for analysis of price movements.
Chapter 3: “The development of software for automated trading”, this chapter defines the concept of trading strategies, describe the structure, process development and testing of software for automated trading and risk management. This chapter contains description of software methods that can be used to analyze financial data such as heuristic methods, simulations, Monte Carlo methods, neural networks, evolutionary methods, genetic algorithm, cluster analysis and data mining.
Chapter 4: “Programming language MetaQuotes Language 4”, represents reference guide for programming language specialized for development of software for automated trading, scripts and custom technical indicators.
Chapter 5: “MetaTrader - software platform for trading”, contains user guide one of the most commonly used software platforms for trading “MetaTrader 4”. This chapter describes the process of managing orders for trading. There is described the process of testing software for trading strategies on historical data using module “Strategy Tester”.
In chapters 6, 7, 8, 9 are “Dictionary”, “Index of Keywords”, “Index of figures and tables” and “References”.